For this list, I complied some of the more common vitamins and minerals. Throughout this blog I'm definitely going to go into more detail about them, but here's a list of what they generally are. Oh, and just as a precaution, just because a vitamin or mineral is considered "natural" does NOT mean that you should take it without learning about it first. I am NOT a doctor and I am in no way prescribing these vitamins to you. Always consult a doctor before starting anything new, and for Pete's sake learn all you can about it. Don't just take something thinking that it will cure you without knowing about it.
- Beta-carotene- Exceptionally powerful antioxidants for the body that protects against free radical damage and toxin damage. These lead to sickness and serious diseases.
- Bilberry- Extremely high in antioxidants, prevents fluid leakage and significantly improves the quality of blood vessels.
- Black Cohosh- Helps to reduce menopausal symptoms and reduce hot flashes in relation to menopause,.
- Butterbur- Used to treat allergy symptoms
- Calcium- Helps strengthen bones and can help muscle spasms. Reduces irritability of the smooth muscles during a woman's menstrual cycle. Reduces restless leg syndrome
- Carob Powder- Natural stool thickener
- Cranberry Vitamins/ Pills- Can help prevent bacteria build up in the bladder, prevent UTI's, relieve jock itch, and detox the body.
- Evening Primrose Oil- Anti-aggregatory, anti-atherogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-proliferative, anti-thrombotic, vasodilator. Hugely beneficial with several conditions including skin disorders (i.e acne),regenerates healthy skin, helps with arthritis, antioxidant, and helps female fertility by promoting egg white cervical mucus.
- Fennel- An anti-spasmodic that helps relieve muscle spasms.
- Fenugreek- Helps to thin mucus and relieve cough
- Folic Acid- Essential for healthy pregnancies by helping prevent spina bifida in the unborn child and helps prevent neural tube defects. Has been shown to help improve fertility as well as reduce the severity of restless leg syndrome.
- Garlic- Has strong antiviral properties
- Ginger- Amazing inflammation reducer
- Ginkgo- Can help with forgetfulness and improve memory. Also used to help PMS symptoms including tender breasts and water retention. Used to help tinnitus.
- Glucosamine- Natural anti-inflammatory that helps arthritis pain as well as speed heals sprains and strains.
- Goldenrod- Helps with urination and has anti-inflammatory properties that is safe for pregnant women to take.
- Hawthorne- Relaxes heart's blood vessels and strengthens heart's pumping muscles
- Iron- Can reduce heavy menstrual bleeding and helps improve energy levels
- Kava- Induces sleep and soothes anxiety
- Licorice Root- Super strong anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and can enhance the liver's ability to detoxify
- Magnesium- Can help relieve migraines, tension and cluster headaches. Reduces restless leg syndrome. Regulates heartbeats.
- Melatonin- Can help stimulate relaxation for sleep
- Milk Thistle- Strengthens liver and breaks down estrogen for removal.
- Niacin (B3)- Converts food to energy, helps digestive system work properly.
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids- Essential anti-inflammatory, promotes healthy circulation, decreases blood pressure and high cholesterol, helps prevent joint break down, improves female fertility by improving egg white cervical mucus , regulates hormones and cycle, improves sperm quality and so many other benefits. Can help reduce and eliminate ulcers.
- Passionflower- Significantly reduces anxiety levels
- Peppermint (Enteric-coated peppermint capsules)- Can help indigestion
- Potassium- Keeps bodily fluids balanced and keeps muscle and nerves function.
- Red Pepper Capsules- Can help relieve heartburn without reflux
- Selenium- Can help prevent deformed sperm in men. Can help improve asthma symptoms
- St. John's Wort- Can decrease bladder irritability and can help with urinary incontinence. Is sometimes used to help eliminate mood swings and mild depression. Reduces symptoms of OCD and generalized anxiety disorder
- Thiamine (B1)- Maintains metabolism of fatty materials and carbs. Also significantly aids in muscle health and coordination.
- Valerian Root- Improves sleep quality and eases anxiety
- Vitamin A- (Retinol) Exceedingly important for healthy skin and eyes, boosts the immune system and maintains healthy teeth and bones.
- Vitamin B12- Boosts immune system, rebuilds damaged cells and can help stop the symptoms of cold and flu quickly. Helps improve energy levels
- Vitamin B6- Important for protein metabolism and transport, promotes brain function, aids in lengthening a women's luteal phase which can aid in fertility and conception. Can help prevent nausea especially in women suffering from morning sickness. Has been known to help increase serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain.
- Vitamin C- Essential flavanoid that can help strengthen blood vessels. It's also an immune booster, antioxidant, helps to lower blood pressure, and reduce lead toxicity. Helps to reduce and possibly eliminate asthma symptoms.
- Vitamin E- Powerful antioxidant that helps repair hair and skin cells, improves collagen production, protects against photo-aging, can help prevent and treat sunburn, can help prevent miscarriages, helps improve female egg health, improve sperm DNA, motility and quality.
- Vitamin K- Strengthen bones and helps reduce cancer causing cells
- Vitex (Chaste Berry, agnus-castus)- A wonderful herb that helps normalize the menstrual cycle in women with irregular cycles along with "restarting" periods that have stopped in women. It can help normalize hormone levels. Can also help naturally raise progesterone levels. In addition, it can help eliminate painful periods and heavy bleeding related to endometriosis.
- Wild Yam- Can be used to help with dry vaginal tissue and can help repair wounds.
- Witch Hazel- Anti-inflammatory that helps shrink swollen veins.
- Zinc- Helps boost white cell count, fight infections, help improve men's sperm count and motility, help fight bad breath, and can help stabilize weight as well as help people dealing with anorexia. Prevents the release of histamine. Has been known to help improve the symptoms of ADD and ADHD.