Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, F, G...? Too many to count! Where do I start?
In the world of modern medicine, two very distinct patterns of healing emerge. Though they are both meant to heal the body and fix what ever it is that's messing up your world, natural and conventional healing have separate reputations. Natural Healing or alternative medicine is the more traditional form in medicine which focuses on healing the body rather than focusing on a quick fix like conventional medicine does. Conventional medicine often portrays the body as a machine. when it's not functioning at it's best, conventional medicine looks to fix whatever is wrong by replacing a "part".
Okay let me stop right here. I know what you're probably thinking. Why would I want to wait for results? If I can take a pill to get rid of my flippin' headache, why not just do that and get back to my life?
Well, that's all good and fine. For now. But what about when the headache keeps returning? I hate to return to the cliche' example, but here goes. If you popped your tire while backing up in your driveway, you wouldn't leave the glass that ripped the tire just sitting there would you? You'd get rid of it, of course. Same with if you popped a tire on the highway. You could use the doughnut wheel for a while, but that quick fix won't last forever. It's often the same for natural and conventional healing.
Also, before we get too far, here's a little about myself (just so you know that i'm not some crazy hippie living in the mountains somewhere...). I'm a nineteen year old female promotion model. I've been diagnosed with IBS, interstitial cystitis, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, PCOS, ADD and anxiety with depression. Yea, I'm one cracked up cookie, huh? But I don't let it get me down. (Usually.) I know what pain is and I know what it's like to hurt. I've spent more than half of my life coping with pain and trying to find out ways to get around it. After spending years popping pills, (no, not drug drugs, but over the counter stuff), it was becoming clear that the band-aid cures weren't helping. I needed to fix the source. And you know what? I did. And that's why I'm writing this blog.
Integrated healing is, in my opinion, the best way to go about it. It's how I turned my life around, and it's the focus of this blog. By combining natural healing for fixing the initial problem and using elements of conventional medicine, there's a ton of room to give and take and really perfect the method that works for you. Whether you're sick as a dog all the time (like me) or just wanting to help give your body a boost, Vita-What? will have it covered.
Huzzah to good health!