Saturday, September 3, 2011

Migraines, AKA, Demon Beasts from Hell

                 Migraines are awful. Nearly everyone has had one in their lives and for the people who have to deal with them constantly, it can be unbearable.  I suffered with near constant migraines during several points in my life and I am no stranger to their pain. Courtesy of, here is a list of the most common symptoms associated with migraines.
  1. Throbbing, pulsating pain – 85 percent
  2. Light sensitivity – 80 percent
  3. Sound sensitivity – 76 percent
  4. Nausea – 73 percent
  5. Pain on one side – 59 percent
  6. Vision changes, blurred vision – 44 percent
  7. Aura – 36 percent
  8. Vomiting – 29 percent

  9.            So how can you tell the difference between a migraine and just a regular headache? For me it was simple. With a headache, I could take a few aspirin and be on my merry way in thirty minutes or so. With a migraine, however, I could feel one coming on and instantly feel depleted. My head would throb, sounds and lights were killer and sometimes I would even throw up. The only help I could come by for a few hours of relief was to sleep. Once or twice it even got so bad that I had to go to the ER to get rid of the damn thing.
             Medical field workers still aren't positive as to why migraines happen, but there are common lists of trigger things that seem to perpetuate them. Foods high in MSG's, excessive crying, heavy emotional situations, loud sounds, bright lights, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine,  hormone fluctuation, spending too much time in front of the computer, negative stress, too little sleep, skipping meals and certain smells all seem to trigger the monster.
             In the conventional medical field, there are tons of medications that can help get rid of migraines. This is all good and fine, if you get one migraine a year. But if you were like me, getting migraines 4, 5, sometimes even 6 times a week, taking over the counter drugs just aren't good for you. In my case, I was flooding my system with anything that I could find. Aspirin, Excedrin, Advil, Tylenol… You name it, I tried it. The only problem with most of the above listed medications is that they contain NSAIDS.
            To be honest, I really didn't give a flying frick what they contained as long as they got rid of the pounding devil burrowed in my temples. But my body did. I started experiencing some of the NSAID overdose symptoms and honestly it wasn't pretty. And my migraine still wasn't staying continuously away.
    So what to do?
    In this article, I'm going to go over ways to get rid of it once you have it, but more importantly I'm going to explain ways to prevent it.
    At the first moment you feel a migraine approaching:
  10. I recommend taking Excedrin Migraine right off the bat. It usually does the trick in a small dose and keeps it away.
    A) Second best idea- Take Aleve. This usually works decently well, but if the migraine is past the point of no return, it won't do anything.
    B) If you're not near any medication, find a caffeinated drink and start chugging. Caffeine can help eliminate headaches.
  11. Warn the loudest of your family members to keep it shut for a while and try to get yourself to a quiet location.
  12. Start drinking water. You might just be dehydrated.
  13. When the migraine starts getting too intense:  
  14. Help fix the nausea with ginger!
    Two 500 milligram capsules of ginger should curb the nausea. If that doesn't work, try taking mint or fennel and turn them into tea. Over the counter remedies that work pretty well are anything containing Dramamine. Caution though, they will almost always make you very sleepy, so don't take if you need to be up.
  15. Some people find that rubbing  or squeezing their heads can help.
    For me, when the migraines got bad enough, this really didn't help me. But I've heard a lot of positive words in regards to headache self massage. Squeezing my head or applying pressure worked best in my cases. Definitely worth a try if you're desperate.
  16. When all else fails, try your best to keep yourself in a quiet and dark place. If you've flooded your body with everything, it needs time to work.
  17. Okay, let's say that you're prone to migraines…How can you prevent them?
  18. Get your sleep and eating schedule in check.
    Moderation of eating and sleep can help prevent migraines.
  19. Work on your caffeine consumption.
    Wean yourself off of the coffee slowly and your body will thank you. Go cold turkey and it could actually
    trigger a migraine.
  20. Avoid over consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.
  21. Start adding regular exercise into your everyday life
  22. Vitamins that rock?
    Magnesium- 1,000 milligrams of magnesium aspartate before falling asleep 
    Vitamin B2- 200 milligrams twice a day

    Magnesium helps prevent muscle and blood vessel spasms throughout the body as well as in the brain.
  23. Avoid these foods. (List provided by

  24. Cheese
    Monosodium glutamate (MSG), a flavor enhancer found often in food from Chinese restaurants
    Foods containing the amino acid tyramine (found in red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken livers, figs, and some beans)
    Peanut butter
    Some fruits (like avocado, banana, and citrus)
    Dairy products
    Meats containing nitrates (bacon, hot dogs, salami, cured meats)
    Fermented or pickled foods
  25. Drink lots of fluids especially water!

  26.           Typically, a migraine attack can last a few hours and sometimes even longer. But if you feel that your headache is suddenly different or way more intense than you've ever had before, it's time to get it checked out. If you've tried everything you can and it STILL doesn’t go away, that can be a sign that there is something seriously wrong. Especially if there is a change in neurological symptoms such as delayed speech and coordination, these could all be really serious signals. Please get yourself checked out by a professional just to be on the safe side.
            Migraines are beasts sent from the depths of hell to torment individuals with their unyielding pain. Fortunately, in our day and age there are several ways to combat them and prevent them. Try your best to start tracking what causes the migraines and what helps to stop them, and before you know it, you'll have an arsenal of knowledge to help get rid of them forever!
    *I am not a doctor and in no way am I prescribing medical treatment to the reader. Please ALWAYS consult your doctor before you try something whether it be natural or conventional.

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